AMIP Features

Media Players Support

+ Winamp API compatible players:

IM Clients Support

IRC Client Integrations

Tags and Formats Support

  • ID3v1 & ID3v2
  • APEv1 & APEv2
  • Ogg Vorbis
  • Lyrics, Lyrics3v2
  • MusicMatch
  • MP4 (including protected files)
  • Flac
  • WMA and ASF
  • MusePack
  • MonkeyAudio

Announcing to IRC

Announcing to mIRC

  • Automatically
  • Manually (by hotkey or alias)
  • To all channels / list of predefined channels / active channel
  • Support for DDE / FileMapping / own Socket APIs
  • mIRC colors and scripting support

Playlist Search/Jump

Playlist Search

  • Invoked by global hotkey from any application (Ctrl+J by default)
  • Fast, handles thousands of songs easily
  • Supports national characters and regular expressions
  • Returns focus back to the application after song is chosen
  • Displays customizable song information

Clipboard Integration

Clipboard Integration Settings

  • Global customizable hotkey (Ctrl+Alt+Z by default)
  • Pastes to virtually any application
  • Option to emulate keys pressing after paste (Enter, Ctrl+Enter, custom)
  • Application specific song info format presets (chosen automatically)
  • Use it to paste into your Blog, Forum, Chat window, other applications

File Output

File Output Settings

  • Different format presets depending on player state
  • Instant update mode
  • Multiple encodings support (Cyrillic)
  • You can insert this file in your mail signature, upload to FTP or use in other applications
  • Writing song log

Title bar Integration

Title bar integration settings

  • Shows song information in the title bar of active window
  • Customizable format
  • Custom color & font support

Web Integration

Web Integration Settings

  • Update song information on your site in real time!
  • Built-in commands to parse file templates
  • Execute external processes to upload files / submit forms
  • AMIP Dynamic Image Signature PHP script to generate images with song information
  • Perform commands depending on player state

Dynamic Image Signature


Customizable format presets

  • Customizable presets
  • Flexible song info format
  • ~100 song info variables
  • Conditional constructions
  • Built-in text formatting functions

Control & Script!

  • Control playback from IRC client using AMIP API
  • Get song info and control player from other applications with AMIP SDK
  • Use song information in your own applications
  • Remotely control your player using Socket API from another machine!


Performance Settings

  • Use AMIP Configurator to tweak AMIP performance settings
  • Access to all options and hidden settings
Last modified: 2010/04/06 08:36 (external edit)