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AMIP Community _ Support _ Configuring tracknumber output

Posted by: revs/min Dec 14 2008, 11:01 AM

I have a problem when using clipboard integration with Winamp 5.54

I want AMIP to change tarck number as follows:

1 -> 01
01 -> 01
12 -> 12
1/9 -> 01/09
1/09 -> 01/09
1/12 -> 01/12
01/09 -> 01/09
01/12 -> 01/12

I have tried code like this:

Is there problem when using slash or what?

And also my Configurator pops up a warning "Can't save settings" (direct translate, in finnish in my computer) so I have to edit my plugin.ini file directly if I want to change code.
First I couldn't even edit the file but when I copied it to other place and back, it works. Sometimes computer notifies that I have to be adminstrator when editing some files even I have only 1 profile in my Windows Vista system.

Is it possible to view �, � and � chars in AMIP? Now � is changed to d everytime I paste song names.

I have AMIP 2.64 and Configurator 0.34.

So guys, please help me with these three problems.

Posted by: Serge Dec 14 2008, 03:09 PM

1. Use some tagging software to fix track numbers format in your files. Tag&Rename has such feature.

2. Run Configurator as Administrator.

3. Search the forum for "Unicode".

Posted by: revs/min Dec 14 2008, 05:10 PM

1. Yeah I could do that but I have so many mp3s that it would be easier this way.
2. I think my problem is in Vista 'cause I'm running Windows as a adminstrator
3. Yes, I read something about Unicode but I wasn't sure what does it mean. But okay AMIP will be compatible with these chars in (maybe) next version.

But nice fast answer smile.gif

Posted by: revs/min Dec 22 2008, 10:33 PM

So, is there anyone who could give me some tips,
how to modificate my code to view track numbers as described above?

I tried many combinations, but it didn't work sad.gif

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